
Monday, August 27, 2012


Is Monday Blue just a saying? Or do people say it for a reason?
My god-damn-Monday just gone from bad to worse, don't ask why, just DON'T.
Kinda upset when someone said something just for the sake of saying it and then you listen, keep in mind and take them for real. All the more when it's not the first nor the second time and I knew it wouldn't be the last time.. Well, you are fooled, AGAIN.
You remember that you have told and warned yourself not to fall into this trap like how you used to..
Somehow a very silly thought popped up like 'Hey, people change, things might not be the same...'
And BOOM! What-so-ever warnings and reminders are all gone, like how you flush down the toilet bowl.
Feeling like a total retard. 
How I wish that what I've flushed down are my hope and my trust to you..How I wish..
*Just wishing.
Why all misfortunes happened at the same time on the same damn day?
Just don't get why!
Probably when all bad things are gone, then good ones can come non-stop?
Can AAA????
Enough of bragging about my disastrous Monday, gonna bang my head to the bed!


Sunday, August 26, 2012


Well, it was a beautiful Sunday indeed, although a lil rainy. 
Or I should say good mood makes everything  looks good? heh.
It has been awhile since I last blogged.. And I'm now back for good! 
Miss me, no?
And I think my first blog post after so long should be a happy one.. So..
Here comes happy picture of me and my date of the day, Cindy.
Will blog more often, see you guys soon.

Shall off to bed earlier and kick start tomorrow with an energetic me!
